Education Week – Quality Counts
Education Week, Quality Counts (per pupil expenditure is adjusted for regional cost differences). Education Week, Quality Counts data is available here.
Quality Counts data is audited so lags behind current numbers.
Quality Counts 2018 (2015 audited data) - CSFP 2-page document containing the following charts:
Chart on Colorado and the United States Per Pupil Expenditures - above / below the U.S. Average
Percent of Students in Districts with Per Pupil Expenditures At or Above the U.S. Average
Quality Counts 2018 (2015 audited data) - CSFP 2-page document containing the following charts:
- Chart on Colorado and the United States Per Pupil Expenditures - above / below the U.S. Average
- Percent of Students in Districts with Per Pupil Expenditures At or Above the U.S. Average
Education Week, Quality Counts 2017: Chart comparing per pupil spending above and below the U.S. average between Colorado and the 50 states and D.C. (2014 audited data). Colorado spends $2,685 less than the U.S. average, ranking 41st of 51.
Quality Counts 2017: Per Pupil Spending 2014 Data, Dollars Above or Below U.S. average.
Per Pupil Spending by State: Colorado ranks 42 of 51 in per pupil spending; spending $2,681 less than the U.S. Average of $11,667.
Nearby States Spending More Per Pupil than Colorado: Colorado spent $2,681 less than the U.S. Average.
- Kansas spends $2,298 more than Colorado
- Montana $4,140 more
- Nebraska $4,644 more
- New Mexico $781 more
- Wyoming $8,270 more
Per Pupil Spending by State: Colorado ranks 43 of 51 in per pupil spending; spending $2,715 less than the U.S. Average of $11,735
Percent Total Taxable Resources Spent by State: Colorado ranks 39th.
School Finance Grade by state. Colorado ranks 41st with a D+.
Nearby States Spending More Per Pupil than Colorado. Colorado spends $2,715 less than the U.S. average.
- Kansas spends $2,379 more than Colorado
- Montana $4,204 more
- Nebraska $4,437 more
- New Mexico $716 more
- Wyoming $8,738 more
Per Pupil Spending by State: Colorado ranks 43 of 51 in per pupil spending; spending $2,704 less per pupil than the U.S. Average of $11,864.
Percent Total Taxable Resources spent by State. Colorado ranks 38th.
School Finance Grade by state. Colorado ranks 39th with a D+
Achievement Gap-Closing Remains a Challenge State Map. U.S. map from Education Week: Quality Counts 2014. Colorado's gap widened by 5 points or more.
Nearby States Spending More Per Pupil than Colorado. Colorado spends $2,704 less than the U.S. average.
- Kansas spends $2,424 more than Colorado
- Montana $5,329
- Nebraska $4,483
- Wyoming $10,374
Quality Counts 2013 (2009-10 School Year, FY 2010):Education Week, Quality Counts 2013: Where does Colorado rank compared to what other states spend per pupil?
Per Pupil Spending by State. Colorado ranks 42nd of 51 in per pupil spending; spending $2,518 less per pupil than the U.S. Average
Overall Grade and Per Pupil Spending. Colorado's grade is C- and ranks 37th. Grade: Education Week's Quality Counts tracks key education indicators and then grades the states on their policy efforts and outcomes. For more information:
Percent Total Taxable Resources Spent by State. Colorado ranks 37th.
Nearby States Spending More Per Pupil than Colorado. Colorado spends -$2,518 less per pupil than the national average.
How much more than Colorado do nearby states spend?
- Kansas spends $2,479 more than Colorado
- Montana $4,975
- Nebraska $4,243
- New Mexico $1,664
- Wyoming $9,508
How much more per pupil do nearby states spend? Two charts illustrating the change in per pupil funding between Colorado, the national average, and nearby states, data from 2003 through 2009.
How does Colorado rank in K-12 per pupil spending?
Colorado spends $2,510 less per pupil than the national average. In 2003 Colorado spent $551 less than the national average. As Colorado has invested in education, other states have invested more.
Neighboring states and the amount they spend more per pupil than Colorado:
- Kansas $2,901
- Montana $4,618
- Nebraska $3,668
- New Mexico $1,846
- Wyoming $8,913
From 2003-2009 Colorado has spent less per pupil than the national average:
- -$2,510 less in 2009
- -$1,682 less in 2008
- -$1,919 less in 2007
- -$1,449 less in 2006
- -$1,034 less in 2005
- -$551 less in 2003
(Data not available for 2004.)
- Line graph indicating how much more nearby states spend per pupil than Colorado.
- Bar graph comparing Colorado and nearby states per pupil spending with the national average.
- Bar and line graph comparing Coloradoand the US Average Per Pupil Expenditures
- Chart of Per Pupil Expenditures comparing Colorado funding to the National average and nearby states