TOPICS: Click the Accordion title below to expand the topic:
- Principles of School Finance: What is a School Finance System? How does Student Count fit in?
- How School Finance Works- One-page document showing different components of school finance formula in Colorado
- School Finance is More Than a Formula or a Number highlighting the
- Background of school finance
- Revenue (where does it come from, the goal of 1994 act, today's mills)
- 2015-16 Discussions and Options.
- School Finance Act of 1994 - Overview of the goals set forth by the legislature and where we are today.
- Goals of the 94 Act. What did the system fund?
- Where are we today in meeting the 1994 School Finance Goals? Today's Education System
- School Finance Formulas - CSFP Quick Facts
- What is Equity in School Finance?
- What is the Legislative role in changing a School Finance System?
- Where to Begin When Changing A School Finance Formula? - Legislative Role. How do School Finance and Educational Reforms fit together? What approaches can be used to measure costs? How to use the results of a study?
- Legislative Interim Committees - Interim Committees pertaining to School Finance
- Colorado School Finance Myths and Facts contributed and compiled by a group of Colorado school district Chief Financial Officers.
- The Effects of School Spending on Educational and Economic Outcomes Evidence from School Reforms Study (Northwestern University & University of California) released on 1/1/2015. Purpose of Study: To understand whether, how and why school spending affects student outcomes.
- Findings: Researchers found that increased per-pupil spending, induced by school finance reforms narrowed adult socioeconomic attainment differences between those raised in low-income and high-income families. They find that money does matter and that better school resources can meaningfully improve the long-term outcomes of recently educated children.
- CSFP School Funding Presentation - June 2022
- CSFP presentation on School Finance - an Introduction and Overview What were the goals of the 1994 School Finance Act?; The Order Revenue is Collected; Evaluating the Success of the 1994 Act; Categoricals; Steps in Changing to a New System; Stay Tuned.
- CASB Convention December 2021:
- New Board Member Training:
- CASE presentation July 2015: CSFP, CASE Department of Business Officials (DBO) and Augenblick, Palaich & Associates presentation Making Sense of the School Finance Landscape:
- Making Sense of the School Finance Landscape Powerpoint (PDF)
- Making Sense of the School Finance Landscape booklet - July 30 updated version (PDF)
- School District Cost Structure
- Presentations to the House and Senate Education Committees and other committees as noted. Booklets contain a variety of information about School Finance, some history, current student information, School Finance 101, Costing Out information. Booklets are 16 pages long.
- February 2013: CSFP presentation to House and Senate, School Finance 2013 booklet
- March 2012: CSFP and Augenblick, Palaich & Associates booklet, Overview of School Finance and Where to Begin when Changing a School Finance Formula? Legislative Role, House and Senate Education Committees.
- April 2011: CSFP presented an overview of the Colorado School Finance Project, House and Senate Education Committees.
- December 2010: Colorado School Finance booklet prepared for the Colorado Reform Roundtable.
- June 2009: 2009 School Finance Interim Committee booklet, 2009 School Finance Interim Committee.
- January 2009: CSFP's School Finance booklet, House and Senate Education Committees
- Average Daily Membership
- CAP4K - Colorado's Achievement Plan for Kids
- Consolidation of District Services
- Equity / Costing Out Studies
- Paying for Education Excellence
- State Profile Data
Do property taxes pay for schools? What are Local Override Revenues?
State Share of Funding by District: includes total state dollar amount, per pupil and percent of funding, as of 2009-10 (most current available). The State Share in the chart does not include Categorical Program funding. Source: CDE, Public School Finance
Local Elections - Bond, Bond/BEST, Mill Levy Overrides, etc.
- Timeline of Colorado's School Finance & Education Reform
- Legislative and District Sample Budget Timeline- 2022-23 District Budget
- Sample District Budget Calendar Cycle - 2021-22 School Year
- Colorado State Budgeting Process infographic - Beginning in FY2016-17 through FY2017-18 budget cycle (Colorado Leg Council)
Colorado: Did You Know?- Short videos describing Colorado's K-12 funding impacts on K-12 students, districts and our state.
Colorado Did You Know? Colorado's School Finance History, Summer 2019