Communication Templates

The following resources can help ease communication efforts and help school districts achieve their highest priorities. Click on your investment priority below to access the communication template for that investment. Contact CSFP if you need a communication template not listed below.

1. Creating Safe & Healthy Learning Environment

2. Addressing Disrupted Learning Time

3. Meeting Mental Health Needs for Students & Staff

4. Supporting Educator & Staff Stability and Well-Being

Tactical Tips

The following Tactical Tips are meant to help you maximize communication opportunities.

Lead with your district’s values. Funding is one of the key resources that supports your district’s vision and priorities. By emphasizing those values first and then describing how funding is being utilized to achieve your goals, you can tie these investments into a broader, more meaningful narrative.
Consider communication timing, channels, and spokespeople. Funding initiatives can provide content for announcements at key moments in the school calendar – e.g., back to school, end of semester, state of the district, budget-setting process – or be included in evergreen communications (relevant year-round) that remind target audiences of how the district is supporting students. Utilizing multiple channels – newsletters, websites, social media, print, TV, and radio – can help amplify the messaging. Additionally, a variety of spokespeople – including district leaders, principals, teachers, caregivers, school staff, and community members – can offer a personal perspective on how these investments are benefiting the community.
Highlight the connection between stakeholder engagement and your investment decisions. Colorado school districts engage their communities and include the voices of key stakeholders in funding decision-making. Talking about what district leaders heard and from which stakeholders provides important context as part of broader communications. For example, an announcement about hiring school counselors could highlight a student focus group or parent survey that pointed to this need. Engaging your community on how you have spent and continue to allocate funds can and should be an ongoing process. Communication can emphasize that these investments are addressing challenges identified by community members based on your local needs and realities.

Focus on impact.
All funding is intended to create specific benefits – whether it’s safer schools through HVAC upgrades, accelerating learning through evidence-based tutoring, or improving student well-being through mental health support. Being clear and specific about the impact – not just the investment – will make communication efforts stronger and more compelling.