Mission: To compile, collect and distribute research-based, non-partisan information and data on topics related to school finance for state and local policymakers. CSFP also supports school districts by providing expertise, technical assistance and capacity building related to best practices in school finance.
The Colorado School Finance Project (CSFP), Inc. changed to a formal entity in 2014. We are a non-profit, Colorado based company. The CSFP was originally created in 1995, following the passage of the 1994 School Finance Act.
Our sincere thanks to the many districts and organizations (CEA, CASE, CASB, Colorado BOCES, DBO, and Rural Schools Alliance) that financially support our work. The Colorado School Finance Project could not do our work without their support.
Executive Director:
Tracie L. Rainey
Building Address: 1658 Lafayette St., Unit 1662-A, Denver, Colorado 80218
Mailing Address: PO Box 3828, Littleton, CO, 80161-3828
Link to the Colorado Education Network
Senior Fellow: Justin Silverstein (Augenblick, Palaich & Associates, Co-CEO)
CSFP Financial Advisor: Lucie Stanish
CSFP Board of Directors:
- John Augenblick: Secretary – national school finance expert
- Superintendent / Executive Director
- Leslie Nichols (Gunnison Watershed School District)
- Ken Haptonstall (Colorado River BOCES)
- Jeremy Burmeister (Platte Valley School District)
- Deirdre Pilch (Greeley-Evans School District)
- Ashley Stephen (Platte Canyon School District)
- Bill Sutter: Treasurer (Boulder Valley Schools, DBO)
- Scott Smith (Cherry Creek School District)
- Shelley Becker: Vice Chair (Harrison School District)
- Organizations representing state-wide groups
- Bret Miles (CASE) – school executives
- Jubal Yennie (CASB) – school boards
- Kathy Rendon (CEA) – teachers / staff
- Lisa Weil (Great Education Colorado) – parents/supporters of public education
- Diane Doney: Chair (Littleton Public Schools)-retired CFO
- Glenn Gustafson (Colorado Springs D-11)- retired CFO
- CSFP Financial Advisory Members
- Colleen Doan (Douglas County School District)
- Brett Johnson (Aurora Public Schools)